NatureWax C-6 is a natural blend of soy and coconut waxes. This wax blend is a combination that allows you to have wax that is not as soft as traditional 100% coconut wax and not as hard as 100% soy waxes. The creamy texture of this C6 wax allows for full glass adhesion along with fat bloom resistance.
Pour Temperature: 120°-165°
Melt Point between: 124°-130°
Fragrance Load: 7 - 10%
Basic Guidelines:
Melt point: 124 – 130°F Heat wax to temperature 160 - 200° (caution: heating wax above 200° may cause wax discoloration) Add dye as needed and mix thoroughly Add candle fragrance oil as needed and mix thoroughly (fragrance oil should be added just before pouring to prevent fragrance oil from evaporating) Pouring temperatures should typically be around 120° to 165°, though experimentation is recommended to determine optimal pouring temperature When pouring melted wax into containers, the containers should be at room temperature or slightly warmer Allow candles to cool as slow as possible to achieve good jar adhesion and create a smooth finish.